2016 Fly Tying Contest - Winners No pictures to show 2016 Fly Tying Contest - Entries No pictures to show | AFF 2016 Monty Williams Memorial Fly Tying Contest Contest Dates: January 1, 2016, through February 29, 2016 2016 Fly tying contest entrants must either be a member of, or related to a member of, the Alaska Fly Fishers Club or the Midnight Sun Fly Casters Club of Fairbanks. There are three divisions:
There are 4 categories: Dry Fly, Streamer, Nymph / Emerger, Creative (anything goes!). Members may enter up to 8 flies in total, in no more than any 2 categories. Youth members may enter 1 fly in any category.* Each fly must be accompanied by two 3×5 index cards, specific with the following information:
Please pack your ties carefully! All entries must be packaged so that minimum handling is required prior to judging. The final date and time for all entries is February 29, 2016, at 3 pm. Entries can be delivered: (1) in person to Jolynne Howard at the club meetings on Jan. 4th or Feb 1st; (2) at the fly tying clinics on Jan. 16th or Feb. 20th; or (3) you may mail them to Alaska Fly Fishers, 200 West 34th Avenue, Box 1233, Anchorage, AK 99502. (Note: The club is not responsible for delays in mail delivery.) The People Choice Award will be voted on and all award winners will be announced at the March 7th meeting. Judges and prizes are designated by the Alaska Fly Fishers Club and all decisions are final. There will be over $800 in gift certificates and fly tying related prizes! Printable rules can be found here. *All flies will become the property of the Alaska Fly Fishers and will be used for fundraising for the club or donated to charitable causes. |
Alaska Fly Fishers, 200 W 34th Ave, Suite 1233, Anchorage, AK 99503